Friday, 27 July 2012

Fashion that is perfect for you!

Another website recommendation today. I came across this website and I think it is fantastic! Its called 'dressipi'. It is a website that recommends clothing for you based on your body shape and style. I have come across websites like this before but there is one thing about this one that makes it work for me, its not all pricey!

They allow you to choose you favourite stores and least favourite stores. What I love about this website is that they go from cheap high street to pricey designer. They have brands like Primark and George at asda to brands like Ted Baker and Marc Jacobs.

They recommend you clothes and accessories based on the information you give them and you can like and dislike the pieces to give them an even better idea of what you like. Another great feature is that you can give the reason you don't like a piece which I think is great because they know if there is a certain feature you don't like, for example a high neckline on a top.

I think this is a really nice site to just browse through and get some great fashion recommendations. Let me know what you think if you do check it out

Thanks for reading

Vicky x

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